Bee Bee

Bee Bee Travel
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.1
  • 2.83MB

Bee Bee -

Official App of Bee Bee Car Service

We want to introduce the car service company Bee Bee , which was established in the year 1979 , by a group of pioneers determined to offer car services to their community.

In the beginning , for its good organization and operational management , the company reached a lot of prestige , but unfortunately after a while , it was poorly managed in its operational process and this caused loss of credibility in the public, and even monetary loss for the company .

We ‘re managing the company since August of 2000 and since then we have been applying every effort to make the public service our first priority.

Every day we are working on improving our service and we are updating our company with modern vehicles , computer equipment and more sophisticated communication and training to our dispatchers and drivers .

We have established a telephone number (718 ) 345-5454 for the client to communicate directly with the manager. In this way the client can express their experiences , and complaints about our company , dispatchers or drivers .

We will be happy to hear from you , please contact our manager / main supervisor to express what you think, feel or want. Say it with sincerity , and help us improve the company to which we belong and which for you is a means of transport .

We ask for your help so that every day we can make Bee Bee the transportation company you want and need.

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