Auto AutoAnswer

Auto AutoAnswer Newsletter Social
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.1
  • 262.81KB

Auto AutoAnswer -

Tasker, Locale, Auto-Answer, Phone Call

***From Android Lollipop, this call-hooking feature is not allowed for user-apps***

Therefore if you want to use it, you must root your phone. If you don't know what rooting is, please ignore this app.

On rooted phone, you have to install this app to **system partition**. Then you might use it.

(So many uncertainity exists because your phone's manufacturer might have modified related underlying APIs.

So I can't guarantee it, sorry)

Anyway, my methods were like this.

1. install it

2. Uninstall it with "backup" option by using app likeSystem Tuner

3. Restore it

4. Then ST app asks *where to install*.

5. Select System

6. After restoring, reboot. Now this app works like system-app, so we can hook call API.

You may use apps in store to install it to system partition. Search keyword: app mover



Auto AutoAnswer is an open sourced Android app forked from AutoAnswer.

First, I introduce the AutoAnswer Android app, which is open source project hosted in Google Code( That AutoAnswer app was created by EverySoft(

I wanted that AutoAnswer can communicate with Android's automation apps such as Tasker or Locale by way of plugin, so I added additional automizing feature to original app. That's the reason why I prefixed duplicated Auto to app's name. And then I contacted the project owner by email, but in no vain. Email was returned with broken message, and that Google Code project seems to be deserted...

So I've uploaded the modified sources into github and you can get this app for free in Google's Playstore. My modification is just only one Receiver class, so my knowledge about original app's routines about call and bluetooth interruption is a very small bit.

If this app is not working on your device, then that' the end. :( You shoud find another good apps.

If you use an automation app like Tasker or Locale, you can get my related free plugin( in PlayStore.

The source of this app is uploaded in GitHub(


- Can enable/disable the auto answering feature. When enabled, its icon is always on notification bar. If you want to disble or change its configuaration, you can tap the notification menu. Below options are valid only when enabled.

- Can select which calls it has to auto answer.

- Calls from all callers

- Only my contacts

- Only starred contacts

- Can specify the delay seconds before auto answering, ex.) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 secs.

- Can turn on the speakphone when auto answering.

- Can use auto answering only when connected to Bluetooth headset.

- Can select not to auto answer if in call.

- Can automize those features on Tasker or Locale apps by using a plugin.


- Original AutoAnswer app, EverySoft(

License of this app

- GNU GPL v3(

Used License

- This app uses Walrick('s phone icon, GPL

- This banner image of Google Play Store uses below free images,

- Finger image - GestureWorks(, CC BY-SA 3.0 US

- Telephone image - AIGA(, Public Domain

- Black remove image - Billy Barker(, Free for commercial use

- Phone image - Designmodo(, CC BY 3.0

What's New in the Latest Version 1.1

Last updated on Aug 18, 2015 v1.1
- The feature about "Only using Bluetooh headset" is updated in order to be possible from Android version Froyo to Jellybean.

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