Aptitude Cracker

Aptitude Cracker Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.11
  • 2.11MB

Aptitude Cracker -

An all in one Aptitude app where you get an Aptitude Calculator

This is an aptitude based app. But this app is for all age groups.

I am the only person working on this app and have tried my best to cover each and everything. Your feedback will

be soliciated, give your suggestions here : http://www.droidacid.com/suggestions/ and I will try to add those

features in my next update.

Main features of this app are :

1. Aptitude Cracker - It helps the user to solve aptitude questions, the user just has to input the values to have

the result, isn't it great. Right now it has integrated formulas for the following chapters.

a) Number System b) Percentage Calculation c)Time and Work d) Time, speed and Distance e)Simple Interest and Compound Interest f) Factorial Calculation.

I will be integrating more formulas in the next release/update.

2. Test your skills - This is just like a game to make your mathematical skills stronger.

It basically has 3 difficulty levels.

Easy, difficult and hard. Easy one for kids, medium and hard for students aspiring for competitive exams.

3. Important formulas - This app cpvers each and every formula required for an aptitude exams.

If you want me to add more formulas or have suggestions then follow the link at the top of this description.

4. Tips and Tricks - This is the part which I will be updating every now and then. I have added many tricks to do

the math calculations quickly. You can give your suggestions too.

This is the beta release of the app. You may find some errors and bugs so please report them at the link above.

Known Errors : Force Close on Circle Equation and Volume of Frustum. Will be solved in next update expected in December.

Note : In Aptitude Calculator please give input in all the fields. Don't keep any field empty. Else you will get Force Close error ( Will be handled in next update.)

People who helped and inspired me :

My family and friends

Berco Bosker


Nikhil Sharma

Vallen Valliance

Snehith Reddy

Search terms coming in :


Aptitude Cracker

aptitude questions

aptitude calculator

math questions

maths fun

fun with maths

questions for cat

cat preparation

cat questions

What's New in the Latest Version 1.11

Last updated on Jul 30, 2015 Update : 1.1 - > Worked for different screen sizes. Better and smooth layout.

Added In app purchases if anyone likes this app can donate few bucks for future development.

Added multi-pane design for 'Tips And Tricks'

In case of any bugs or force closes please mail me at [email protected] instead of giving poor rating to this app it effects the effort put by the developer.

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