Antonyms & Synonyms Vocabulary -
Antonyms and Synonyms Tests in 25 Languages with 7500+ questions .
Antonyms are the words meaning opposite to one another . Synonyms are the words which are similar in meaning to one another.
App supports multiple languages english , chinese simplified , chinese traditional , japanese , spanish , portuguese , german , arabic, french , russian , korean , italian , afrikaans, danish , latin , persian , swedish , turkish , finnish , irish , malay , slovak , dutch , philippines and hindi tests of antonyms and synonyms .
Now the app supports 25 Languages with more languages coming soon.
Over 7500+ word in forms of antonyms and synonyms tests.
This app tests your English vocabulary skills by testing your antonyms and synonyms skills.
This app is useful for MBA exams , CAT, GMAT , TOEFL , GRE or any other competitive and even curriculum exam.
Regular use of this will definitely help improve your grades and improve your vocabulary skills.
This will also help you in improving your vocab . The new version of app has tests to check your antonyms and synonyms skills.
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