Anime Gallery -
Anime Gallery is your best option in Anime style images! Quality assured!
With Anime Gallery you'll find a a great collection of anime and manga style images, focused on quality!
A must have for all the Otakus out there!
-More than 1800 specialy selected pictures, and yet more to come!
-Save them or share them with your otaku friends!
-Mark the ones you liked the most as favorites for future reference!
-And of course, set the one you love as wallpaper!
-You can even resize and crop them as you please!
What's New in the Latest Version 2.2.3
Last updated on Jul 7, 2016 * Improvemens on the columns numbers management.* Adjusted some designs details in some buttons.
* Added images to a total of 1831.
* Removed Banners, for now.
* Added 2 new categories, "Editor's Choice" and "Newest Images"