99 Asmaul Husna

99 Asmaul Husna Life Entertainment
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.1
  • 9.36MB

99 Asmaul Husna -

memorizing and reading the Divine Name

In Islam, Asmaa'ul husna (Arabic: أسماء الله الحسنى, asmā' Allah al-Husna) are names of God are beautiful and good. Asthma means and Attributes name means good or beautiful, so Beautiful Names and Attributes are the names of God's good and beautiful.

Since the first of the scholars have much to discuss and interpret these names, because the names of Allah is the address to which we must Essence ibadahi truth. Despite arising differences of opinion about the meaning, the meaning and interpretation but clear is that we must not shirk the use or mention of the names of Allah Ta'ala. In addition to differences in interpreting and interpreting a name there are also differences in the number of names, there is a call 99, 100, 200, even 1,000 and even 4,000 names, but according to them, the most important is the nature of the Essence of Allah SWT that must be understood and understood by people believers like the Prophet Muhammad.

Beautiful Names and Attributes literally are the names, designations, titles and the great good God according to His nature. The names of Allah the great and glorious it is a unity which is united in greatness and the greatness of God.

The scholars argue that truth is consistency with other truth. In this way, Muslims will not be easy to write "God is ...", because there is no single thing that can be compared with God, but must be able to understand with the heart and the statements in the Qur'an about Allah ta'ala. The following discussion is simply customized approach to the concept of our very limited sense this. All the words are addressed to God must be understood keberbedaannya fair use those words. God can not be exemplified or dimiripkan with everything, as contained in the Al-Ikhlas.

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