< 512 MB RAM Cleaner

< 512 MB RAM Cleaner Practical Tools
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.4
  • 3.85MB

< 512 MB RAM Cleaner -

1 Tap, the most efficient, simplest & fastest RAM booster, cleaner for android.

This app increases the efficiency of your android's RAM by killing the background apps that are active all the time. Often you think to run an complex app or a big game on your low RAM devices like less than 512 MB RAM devices, & it hangs or shows sluggish behaviour. Thus, you need use it before running the heavy game will solve the problem

This app kills more RAM than manually you do by going into your device settings, Manage App, stopping running processes, or killing each of the app one by one. This way you end with wasting so much time & also the amount or RAM cleaned is less. This app will clean more RAM than your previous method and all the unnecessary background tasks are also cleaned by this app.

This app is simple because we do not want to confuse users by making a lot of complex layers & modules which are unnecessary like many other apps out there in the market does.

If you have any question or feedback then please email us, we would love to hear from you.

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