100% ANGLAIS Travel
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.0.1
  • 25.05MB

100% ANGLAIS -

All Words and Phrases to Deal With All Situations Abroad.

Thanks to this application from the collection of 100% "all the words you need", it will be very easy for you to make you understand quickly abroad, with foreign language interlocutors. The application associated with the conversation guide contains all the essential words and sentences to deal with all situations abroad, as well as an index and illustrations. Whether it is a short trip for business or for holidays, whatever the situation, this application contains the registration you need and that you can train to repeat to acquire the right pronunciation. If you do not dare to speak in a foreign language yet, then use it as a pocket interpreter and leave your smartphone equipped with the talk for you! In any case ... Remember to activate the speaker of your phone beforehand!

This application contains:

The interpreter: more than 400 essential sentences whose pronunciation is recorded, they all correspond to the various situations which will be yours during your trip.

The menu: the emphasis is placed on the regional dishes appearing on the menus. You will know what you are ordering!

The illustrations: in case of an emergency, they will serve you to show an interlocutor what you want in the moments when the words you miss ...

The index: more than 600 words, for a quick search. The index operates both from French to foreign language and the other way.

Favorites: to have at hand all the sentences and words that you particularly want to retain and use.

For more information on Berlitz conversation guides 100%: www.berlitzeditions.fr/applivre

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